
Dream Cat

The #1 Crypto for Winners & Dreamers

Who Is $Dream?

Everything you ever wanted to achieve, Dream has already accomplished.

He could never play tag because he’s always been “It”.

Cats are only given 9 lives but he was given 10.

Legend has it he is the most successful cat on planet earth.

Now he is pursuing a goal he can’t accomplish alone, becoming a Billion $ Cat.

Are you in?

Dream’s Big Goals

Become a billion dollar cat in 2024!

Bridge the gap between degens & utility maxis! (Memes are here to stay, it’s time to join the party).

Form an alliance and collaborate with all meme cats to successfully overtake the top dogs. Together, we reach the top!

Inspire the world to pursue greatness and dream big!

Make dreams come true! (10% of $DREAM will fund holders dreams)

Dreams Come True

Holding $Dream is already enough but in addition, 10% of Dream Cats supply is set aside to fund dreams! As we reach major goals, holders of $Dream will have a chance to be selected and make their dream come true. As we grow, so will the magnitude of dreams granted!


0 ,000,000
Total Supply
0 %

LP Burnt

Mint Revoked

Ownership revoked

Ticker: $Dream

0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

A message to the xrp army:

You are the greatest community in the world, your loyalty and knowledge is unmatched. As a holder I know your pain but not to worry, our time will come. For now, I invite you with open arms. 589 is a salute to you! Come pursue your $Dream!

How To Buy

Step 1

Download the phantom Wallet

Step 2

Buy Solana ($Sol) on any exchange and then send it to your phantom wallet.

Step 3

Go to Jup.ag or raydium.io and connect your wallet.

Step 4

Copy the “CA Address'' (it’s at the top of this page) and paste it into the box that says “To”. Make the swap, and you’re done! You now have $Dream in your phantom wallet.


Disclaimer: $Dream is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. The coin is for entertainment purposes only. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risks, including market volatility. Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance before investing.

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